
CAWP is located on the University of British Columbia main (Point Grey) campus at:

Suite 2900
Forest Sciences Centre
2424 Main Mall
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

CAWP occupies the eastern portion of the Forest Sciences Centre complex; it is a two-storey U-shaped building with a gated courtyard that faces onto East Mall. The closest public parking is across East Mall off Agronomy Road in the C2 lot, east of CAWP. There is another surface parking lot (Lot B4) on the west side of the Forest Sciences Building, accessible from Agronomy Road.  Both of these lots fill up quickly when classes are in session (Jan to April and September to December). If you are arriving after 9am you may need to go to the Thunderbird Parkade, which is just east of the C2 lot (access it by driving east on Agronomy Road and making two rights).

The main entrance to CAWP is on Thunderbird Crescent on the south side of the building. Take the elevator or stairs to the second floor to reach Reception. For deliveries of lumber, machinery or larger items to our lab, trucks should enter the courtyard from Agronomy Road on the north side (click map below for larger image).


Telephone, Fax and Email

Tel: (604) 822-6448
Toll Free: 1-866-822-2297 (1-866-UBC-CAWP)
Fax: (604) 822-9159

Note: Unsolicited commercial emails that attempt to sell products/services to CAWP are banned on this email address. Unsolicited commercial emails will be added to the banned user/domain filter and future emails deleted upon arrival.


We try hard to make CAWP’s website the best it can be. Your views on what we’re doing and how we could make things even better are important to us. So if there’s anything you want to say, please e-mail us or use the form below.

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Managing Director
Jason Chiu

Genny Go

Course Registration and Continuing Education Inquiries
Patty Renneckar

Training, Seminars and Events
Patty Renneckar

Industry Projects
Brandon Chan

Wood Products Quality Council
Jason Chiu

Technical Operations
Brandon Chan

Manufacturing Lab Facilities
Lief Eriksen

Machine Lab Technician
Claudia Ediger

Directions from Airport

Vancouver International Airport to CAWP
Car: allow for at least 25 minutes of total travel time
Transit : allow for at least 1 hour of total travel time

Directions from Downtown

Downtown Vancouver to CAWP
Car: allow for at least 25 minutes of total travel time
Transit: allow for at least 45 minutes of total travel time